Looking at the numbers, consumers may be surprised by the answer to this question. At the current price of fuel, the average driving will spend about $2,400 per year on gas. Looking at the Toyota Prius, a sought after model at Used Cars Burnsville, you’re looking at spending about $22K. Prices are usually less flexible on hybrids than other models as they’re incredibly in demand at the moment. In addition, if you're an SUV owner looking for a used car in New Hampshire or elswhere, dealers will not likely give you much for your used SUV, as dealers have more SUVs and trucks on their lots than they know what to do with.
If you’re able to convince a dealer to give you about 5K for your SUV, you’re looking at spending about 17K by trading the SUV for the Prius. While you’re saving about $2,400 per year on gas, you’re still paying significantly more due to the cost of trading up. After all is said and done, the average driver will have to wait seven years before they’ll brake even on their decision.Hybrids have become trendy vehicles, and although they are fuel efficient, they are simply not the wisest vehicle to trade up to says Used Cars Lubbock if you already have a late model used SUV.
So, what can drivers of SUVs do to save money amid continuously rising prices at the pump? The best way to save money is by altering your driving habits. Drive less often and perhaps even car pool to work. If you have errands to run, make sure you do them all at once rather than sporadically throughout the day. When driving, accelerate as slowly and steadily as possible without having an overly heavy right foot. This process is often referred to as hypermiling.
If you're stuck on getting rid of that costly SUV, buying a used car is perhaps the best way to save money. Boston Used Cars dealers contest that there are plenty of benefits to purchasing a pre-owned vehicle, including the much lower sticker price. By buying a used car, driver avert the steep inital depreciation that is typically associated with new cars.
While holding on to the SUV may actually equate to saving money over the hybrid, many drivers will still want to rid themselves of their gas guzzling SUV. And while the hybrid, for all its trendiness, may seems like the only option, drivers should realize that there are other fuel efficient vehicles on the market other than just hybrids. In fact, there are vehicles that have high fuel efficiency and are prices even lower than hybrids! Some dealers such as Wallingford Used Car also provide another unique solution - hybrid SUVs. Although this isn't an inexpensive solution, it is a solution for those who want an SUV and a fuel efficient vehicle all in one package.
If you’re serious about saving money, it’s wise to avoid buying into the hype. If you’re determined to get rid of that Expedition in order to save as much money as possible, purchasing a base four cylinder Civic versus a Civic hybrid may be an even better choice. And keep in mind that hybrids are in demand, and as a result dealers know that they can charge consumers a premium for them. To find the best deal on a fuel efficient car, always do your homework. In addition, Used Cars Richmond VA have found that buyers have much to gain from purchasing a late model used vehicle.
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